Election of New Officers

Oct 8, 2022 | Wexwood Glen Community

Calling all residents!

December is Election of Officers Month in the Wexwood Glen Community!

The election will take place during our December 8, 2022 community Zoom meeting.

We are currently accepting nominations for the following positions:
• President
• Vice President
• Secretary
• Financial Secretary
• Treasurer

The term of office for each office is two (2) years. If you would like to nominate yourself or someone else, please send your nomination to [email protected] no later than November 26th.

Additionally, we are also seeking volunteers to serve on the following committees:
• Beautification
• Communication
• Code Enforcement
• Hospitality
• Neighborhood Watch

Finally, in order to hold an office or volunteer for a committee, residents must be current with community dues ($65.00) for the year 2022. Please contact Jonnie Keith, Treasurer, at [email protected] to ensure that you are current with this year’s dues.